Starting today, all new Emailchemy Forensic Edition – Technician licenses will use USB dongles for license activation. This is a convenience and time-saver that many of our professional users have been asking for, for quite a while. The dongle license allows professional users to use Emailchemy on several machines without having to activate the license key on each machine. This also applies to new Independent Support Technician (IST) licenses.

License keys will still be delivered by email, but Emailchemy will walk you through how to install the key onto a USB drive. Just have ready a USB “thumb” drive that you don’t mind reformatting.

Existing license holders can continue using the license keys as they have until the license expires, or they can contact support to have their keys converted for a nominal fee.

Why are they called dongles? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not because they were invented by a guy named Don Gall.  Mr. Gall himself was invented by a rather successful (in that it was memorable) ad campaign for a software company back in the 1980’s that told the story of how he invented hardware license keys. Actually, the name comes from the observation that these hardware keys tended to dangle off the back of the computer. Dangle. Dongle. Get it?

Dongle-based license keys for Technician licenses
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