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Eudora for Windows: Yes, as long as you do the conversion on the original PC. Otherwise, Emailchemy will only recover received attachments that were stored in the Attach folder.
Eudora for Mac: Emailchemy can recover received attachments that have been saved to the Attachments folder, but not sent attachments.
Eudora strips the attachments out upon receipt and inserts a hard link to where it put the attachment. This hard link can be a full path name including a drive letter, or it can be a filesystem-level “inode” reference. In either case, it’s called a hard link because if any file moves, the link between the stored message and the attachment file is broken.
Emailchemy can reattach Eudora attachments if it can find them, but its ability to find them varies by Eudora setup. Emailchemy looks for the attachment file at the path given in the hard link reference, but that path is usually only valid if you are still on the original computer. If Emailchemy can’t find it at the given path, it looks in the default Attachments folder (called “Attach” on Windows Eudora) for a matching file name. If Emailchemy can’t find it there, it puts a missing attachment note in the converted message.
Now, some Eudora setups have a different attachments folder selected, but one way around this is to make sure the contents of that folder get moved into the default attachments folder prior to conversion.
More detail for the technically inclined:
Eudora for Mac stores the file “inode” number (that bit of garbage after the name in the message) of where it stripped the attached file to. It writes the inode into the message in place of the attachment it ripped out, and it’s very hard to get back to a file from an inode. I’m not sure how Eudora does it (maybe some ancient Mac Toolbox call), but OS’s just don’t provide an easy way to find a file by inode number, since by design it’s meant for internal use by the filesystem only. inodes don’t survive things like defragmenting or a disk repair tool like fsck, and they definitely have no meaning when moved to a different hard drive or computer. There may be a way to get past this, but I haven’t found anything that wouldn’t require full HD searches (would be very, very slow).