With the help of one of our customers, we found a bug in the AOL for Windows converter where the converter would crash on certain kinds of badly-formed HTML content. Emailchemy has to fix image tags in the original AOL content so that the images will display correctly outside of
Emailchemy 13.0 Released
Emailchemy 13.0 is now available for download. It includes several new converters and a powerful new message filtering capability. Emailchemy 13 is a free upgrade for current license holders. If your license is more than 1 year old, you will be able to use Emailchemy 13 by purchasing a
Emailchemy 12.1.12 fixes AOL bug
Some emails in the AOL for Windows database have the wrong MIME encoding, and this impacts how exported messages will look in other email apps. If you are converting AOL for Windows PFC files, and you are seeing garbled messages in the output, this update will fix the problem. Emailchemy
Emailchemy 9.8.1 released
Version 9.8.1 is a maintenance update with a few bug fixes and one new feature. It’s a free update to all who have access to any 9.x release of Emailchemy. If you are converting Outlook, Claris Emailer 1.x, or Entourage cache files, then you should install this update. The new