In this digital age, our professional and personal lives are significantly mediated by email. These interactions form a substantial part of our digital footprint, serving as a record of communication, decision-making, and memories. Thus, preserving these digital chronicles in a manner that ensures their accessibility, readability, and longevity is critical.
How to Download your Google Data
Some people are happy to leave all their data on Google forever, but we’re of the opinion that leaving it there for too long, especially if it contains personal data, is risky. How strong is your Gmail password, for example? What if Google accidentally deletes your account? Here’s an article
Articles on The Coming “Digital Dark Age”
Dealing with the prospect of a “digital dark age” is one of the reasons why we built Emailchemy, but I’ve found that many have trouble with this new term because they may not be familiar with the definition of the original. The term “Dark Ages” refers to a time period