Emailchemy 13.2.1 Released

Emailchemy 13.2.1 Released

Emailchemy’s built-in IMAP server is now compatible with the Apple Mail app that comes with macOS Sierra (10.12). Setting up the IMAP account in the new Apple Mail requires an extra step. In the Advanced IMAP Settings (found in the Server Settings tab of the Account settings in Apple Mail),

Emailchemy 13.2 Released

Emailchemy 13.2 Released

Emailchemy 13.2 adds the ability to convert emails from Apple Mail “V4” folders found in macOS Sierra. It also includes a change to the embedded IMAP server used for importing email into Outlook and many other IMAP-compatible email applications. The IMAP server previously would mark folders on the server as

Emailchemy 13.1 Released

Emailchemy 13.1 Released

Emailchemy 13.1 introduces a new output format: Outlook for Mac OLM files. By converting directly to Outlook OLM files, users of Outlook for Mac 2016 will finally have a way to import mail without having to use Emailchemy’s built-in IMAP server. Emailchemy’s Outlook OLM files can be created on Mac,

Emailchemy 12.1.16 released

This version includes important updates for the AOL and CompuServe converters. Previous versions may not have extracted all email messages from Personal Filing Cabinet (PFC) files. Download here:

Emailchemy 12.1.12 fixes AOL bug

Some emails in the AOL for Windows database have the wrong MIME encoding, and this impacts how exported messages will look in other email apps. If you are converting AOL for Windows PFC files, and you are seeing garbled messages in the output, this update will fix the problem. Emailchemy

Emailchemy 12.1.11 released

We posted a small update just before the end of 2014 to fix how Emailchemy was handling draft messages found in Outlook for Mac files. Now, the creation date is put in the RFC Date header in the output instead of the current date. Drafts technically do not have a